Te Pu-a-nga Maara Highlights: Matariki 2023 - Matariki 2024
TPNM have had some amazing experiences, opportunities and successes in the last year. Here are some of our key highlights from Matariki 2023 to Matariki 2024.
- We ran Te Maatahi o te Tau mo te Manurewatanga waananga with 150 participants to celebrate Matariki 2023 and implemented mahi by the Maramataka
- We opened our Taiao Innovation Hub Manu Tangi Ata to support in our mahi tiaki taiao along the Puhinui stream
- Supported by Mana Whenua, we signed a Commmunity Agreement with the Department of Conservation to begin mahi tiaki taiao at our maunga Matukutuureia
- We tested the water, trapped pests, cleared the whenua, and planted native trees around Glenvaegh Stream, along the lower catchment of Puhinui and near the maunga.
- We cleared about 17000 square metres and planted almost 20000 native trees
- We delivered 10 Tangaroa Giveback days in collaboration with Sustainable Business Network
- We supported Te Whakaoranga o te Puhinui partners at events like clean ups, planting days, and eye on nature
- We trained in Rongoaa Maaori with Donna Kerridge, Maramataka with Riki Solomon and Rereata Makiha, Tawhiti Kiore with Riki Benet, Seed Saving with Uru Whakaaro, Tohutaka with Ihi Heke and Bee Keeping with Papa Taiao
- On conservation week, we got a visit from the minister of conservation and got to collaborate with Papa Riki on a Tawhiti Kiore and Maramataka waananga for our community.
- Three of our Rangatahi participated in the BLAKE Leadership programme
- We got our chainsaw tickets, site safe and our first aid certs
- Our team got to visit Rotoroa Island
- We got to collaborate with Mana Whenua on their Tua Waahine, Tua Taane Programme engaging kura in local koorero and mahi tiaki taiao
- We recently delivered our Matariki ki te Puhinui 2024 kaupapa
- and we were recipients of The Kuumara Awards so we better ssshh now.
Big mihi to our whaanau, partners, supporters and funders. Without you, our mahi would not be possible.
Taiao Ora, Mauri Ora!